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Health topics
… early. The longer it goes on, the more likely it is to cause long-term hip problems. What causes it? The exact cause of developmental dysplasia of the … to hold the hip joint in position until it heals. Physiotherapy. A child who has been in a spica cast may need to do …
Health topics
… these steps to help prevent low blood sugar. If possible, use a continuous glucose monitor (CGM). This is a useful tool to help predict when your blood sugar is getting … Check anytime you think your blood sugar may be low. Adults use the "rule of 15." If your blood sugar is low: Eat about …
Medical tests
… gloved finger of one hand into the rectum . He or she may use the other hand to press on the lower belly or pelvic … such as pelvic pain or vaginal bleeding. Help find the cause of symptoms such as rectal bleeding (blood in the … or growths, such as cancer, in the rectum. DRE alone is not used to diagnose colorectal cancer . Also, a DRE may not …
Health topics
… quickly, it requires medical treatment right away. What causes it? An infection caused by strep or staph bacteria can lead to toxic shock … (TSS). These bacteria are common and usually don't cause problems. But in rare cases, the toxins enter the …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Vietnamese Eating food contaminated with germs causes foodborne illness, also known as food poisoning. Common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain and fever. In Canada, … your hands before you eat or handle any food, and after you use the bathroom. Scrub all parts of your hands with soap …
Health topics
… child to help choose a treatment method so he or she can use the treatment successfully. Nail-biting may occur with other body-focused repetitive behaviours (BFRB) such as hair-pulling or … to keep your nails attractive. Have a manicure regularly or use nail polish. Men can use a clear polish. Wearing …
Health topics
… your thumb away from your fingers becomes swollen. What causes it? People can get de Quervain's when they hurt or use the thumb or wrist too much. Common activities that need your wrist and thumb can cause the problem. Some activities that might cause de …
Health topics
… disc disease isn't really a disease. It's a term used to describe the normal changes in your spinal discs as … the lower back and the neck. The changes in the discs can cause back and neck pain. They can also lead to … you may need other treatments. These include physiotherapy and exercises for strengthening and stretching the …
Health topics
… medicine go into remission with weight loss, diabetes-focused healthy eating, and exercise. Their bodies are still able to make and use insulin. When diabetes is in remission, the risk that it … is less likely in the later stages of diabetes. This is because over time the body may slowly lose its ability to make …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Doctors use blood tests and follow guidelines from experts to … 2 This test may not be right for everyone. That's because many things can affect the lifespan of red blood cells, … or erythropoietin (ESA) medicine. Two tests are used to confirm the diagnosis of diabetes. Criteria for …