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Health topics
… and resting. Treatment depends on which toe is broken, where in the toe the break is, and how bad the break is. … it as prescribed. Store your prescription pain medicines where no one else can get to them. When you are done using … and resting. Treatment depends on which toe is broken, where in the toe the break is, and how bad the break is. …
HealthLinkBC files
… who will be working or traveling in an area of the world where polio still occurs and health care workers, including … may include fever, and soreness, redness and swelling where the vaccine was given. Acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol®) …
Health topics
… on function (how much feeling and movement you have) or on where the damage occurred. When a nerve in the spinal cord … (T1 through T12). The first thoracic vertebra, T1, is where the top rib attaches to the spine. Thoracic SCIs … on function (how much feeling and movement you have) or on where the damage occurred. When a nerve in the spinal cord …
Health topics
… groups and do the exercises from memory. Choose a place where you won't be interrupted and where you can lie down on your back and stretch out … groups and do the exercises from memory. Choose a place where you won't be interrupted and where you can lie down on …
Health topics
… The doctor may ask if you have travelled in areas where valley fever occurs. You may have a chest X-ray and … valley fever. But you may be able to stay away from areas where valley fever is common. Current as of: October … The doctor may ask if you have travelled in areas where valley fever occurs. You may have a chest X-ray and …
Health topics
… places. Walking into a bar, a friend's house, or a park where you drank or used drugs could trigger a craving. Even … a craving. Stress. Stress is a major trigger. Any situation where you feel stress makes a relapse more likely. Certain … places. Walking into a bar, a friend's house, or a park where you drank or used drugs could trigger a craving. Even …
Health topics
… there is inflammation of the joints and of the ligaments where they attach near the joints. In advanced ankylosing … areas over the points of the spine, the pelvis, the areas where your ribs join your breastbone, and your heels. … there is inflammation of the joints and of the ligaments where they attach near the joints. In advanced ankylosing …
Health topics
… cells that produce colour (pigment). A mole can appear anywhere on the skin, alone or in groups. Most people get a few … liquid nitrogen on the mole. You might have a small blister where the mole was, but it will heal on its own. Burning it … nitrogen on the skin tag. You might have a small blister where the skin tag was, but it will heal on its own. Burning …
Health topics
… B12. Vitamins Water-soluble vitamins Vitamin What it does Where it's found Thiamine (vitamin B1) Part of an enzyme … kiwifruit. Fat-soluble vitamins Vitamin What it does Where it's found Vitamin A (and its precursor*, … B12. Vitamins Water-soluble vitamins Vitamin What it does Where it's found Thiamine (vitamin B1) Part of an enzyme …
Health topics
… bonding or feeding as a newborn. Heavy alcohol use during pregnancy can also lead to miscarriage , stillbirth, or a … drinking (5 or more drinks on at least one occasion) during pregnancy can severely affect a developing baby. You can … baby depend on: How much, how often, and at what stage of pregnancy the mother drinks alcohol. The worst effects often …