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3873 results found
Health topics
… families in which there is illness and/or other problems. Adults who lived in poorly functioning families as children … families in which there is illness and/or other problems. Adults who lived in poorly functioning families as children …
Health topics
… while sleepwalking. Children spend more time than teens and adults in a deep stage of sleep that happens early in the … while sleepwalking. Children spend more time than teens and adults in a deep stage of sleep that happens early in the …
Health topics
… at risk for Rh sensitization, you'll be given a vaccine to prevent it. Foot defect. There is an increased risk that … on a family disease to your baby. Your age. As you get older, you have a greater chance of having a baby with a … at risk for Rh sensitization, you'll be given a vaccine to prevent it. Foot defect. There is an increased risk that …
Health topics
… at risk for Rh sensitization, you'll be given a vaccine to prevent it. Arm or leg defect. There is a chance that your … on a family disease to your baby. Your age. As you get older, you have a greater chance of having a baby with a … at risk for Rh sensitization, you'll be given a vaccine to prevent it. Arm or leg defect. There is a chance that your …
… specific health needs. Uses Folic acid is used to treat or prevent certain anemias caused by poor diet, pregnancy, … amounts of folic acid either through diet or supplements to prevent spinal cord birth defects. Folic acid is a B-complex … used as directed. Certain spinal cord birth defects may be prevented by maintaining adequate amounts of folic acid …
… health needs. Uses This medication is a vaccine used to prevent cancer of the anus, abnormal tissue growth of the … and neck cancers. In girls and women, it is also used to prevent cancer of the cervix/vagina/vulva and abnormal … types of HPV, only the types in the vaccine. It is used to prevent the diseases and will not treat active …
HealthLinkBC files
… organs. TB is curable. In British Columbia, medicines to prevent or cure TB are free through Provincial TB Services … talk with your health care provider about the best ways to prevent disease. The TB germ may remain sleeping in your … system is what keeps the TB germs in a sleeping state and prevents them from multiplying. How is a TB skin test done? …