6338 results found
Health topics
… tend to go through phases of picky eating. Don't force your child to eat. Instead, try to offer a variety of fun, nutritious choices. Try these creative snack ideas. Your child may enjoy them even more if you let your child make them. Ants on a log. Fill a celery stick …
Health topics
… its pre-pregnancy size. After breastfeeding is established, your body may release oxytocin when you hear a baby cry, think of your baby, or have sexual intercourse. When this occurs, your breasts may leak milk whether or not you are actively …
Health topics
… you may have common problems that aren't caused by your pregnancy, like a cold or influenza (flu). Or you may … These minor symptoms generally don't cause problems or hurt your baby. In general, doctors say it's usually safe to take … Read and follow all instructions on the label. Ask your doctor before taking any cold or flu medicines, …
Health topics
… or a female family member who was diagnosed before age 65. Your age, sex, and race can also raise your risk. For example, your risk increases as you get older. You can help prevent …
HealthLinkBC files
… and odorless, you cannot tell if you have nitrate in your well water unless you test for it. Nitrate is more … guideline levels of nitrate in drinking water. To help keep your family safe: Have your well water tested for nitrate Never give your baby well …
Health topics
… benefit by learning as much as you can and taking care of yourself. Learn all you can about the type of dementia your loved one has and what the future may bring. … information on support groups and services. Taking care of yourself when you're a caregiver Taking care of yourself is …
Health topics
… lab tests are the best way to diagnose shigellosis. Your doctor will most likely still do a physical examination and ask you questions about your symptoms, foods you have recently eaten, and your work and home environments. A stool culture confirms …
Medical tests
… the CT scanner, which is a large doughnut-shaped machine. Your head will be positioned inside the scanner. The CT … dye called contrast material may be put in a vein ( IV ) in your arm or into the spinal canal. The dye makes structures … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. Tell your doctor if you get …
Medical tests
… alcohol test measures the amount of alcohol (ethanol) in your body. Alcohol is quickly absorbed into the blood and … . The rest of it is passed out of the body in urine and your exhaled breath. Alcohol has a noticeable effect on the … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health …
Medical tests
… Screening tests are used to see what the chance is that your baby has a certain birth defect. If a screening test is positive, it means that your baby is more likely to have that birth defect and your doctor may give you the option to have a diagnostic …