6344 results found
Health topics
… be done at any time. It doesn't matter when you last ate. Your fasting blood sugar level is equal to or greater than … you don't eat or drink anything but water for 8 hours. Your 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test result is equal to … is most often done to check for gestational diabetes. Your hemoglobin A1c result is 6.5% or higher. The hemoglobin …
Health topics
… Learning Center Learn about the brain and nervous system Your brain and your nervous system work together to help you do things like see, smell, taste, feel, and move. Your nervous system sends signals to your brain to control …
Health topics
… or stops the sperm from moving. The sponge fits inside your vagina and covers the cervix, which is the opening of … 1 There is less chance of getting pregnant if you and your partner use an external (male) condom with the sponge. Be sure to tell your doctor about any health problems you have or medicines …
Health topics
… the places you live, work, and play are safe for you and your family. Find the information you need in topics such … Poisoning . Radon . Tips for Reducing Indoor Pollutants in Your Home . Health Topics Medical Tests Take Action … Illness Insect Repellents Lead Poisoning Purifying Your Drinking Water Quitting Smoking and Avoiding Smoke …
Health topics
… blackheads , and pimples and causing the top layer of your skin to peel. Skin care products that have AHAs are … redness of the skin. Use them less often if you notice that your skin becomes very red or very dry. Using skin care products with AHAs will make your skin very sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) light. Be sure …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview You sometimes may notice that your milk does not flow easily, or let down , when you … the tingling and leaking of milk that usually occurs when your milk begins to flow. You may develop sore nipples because your baby has to work harder or you have to pump longer to …
Health topics
… dental appliance and take them with you when you go to see your dentist. Your dentist will want to check for missing pieces of tooth … peroxide to the crown to help reduce bleeding. Protect your mouth. If an orthodontic wire, bracket, or jagged edge …
Health topics
… and alcohol also can cause heartburn. If you think that your heartburn may be caused by a medicine: Call the doctor … There also may be certain ways or times of the day to take your other medicines that will decrease the chance of … that was not prescribed by a doctor, stop taking it. Call your doctor if you feel that you need to continue taking the …
Health topics
… to urinate. This usually happens because something gets in your way or you aren't able to walk there on your own. Functional incontinence usually occurs because something blocks your way to the toilet. Or perhaps you can't walk there on …
Health topics
… redness, and peeling of the skin. It may also increase your sensitivity to sunlight and make you more likely to get sunburned. Be sure to protect your skin from exposure to the sun (or any other source of … topical tretinoin during pregnancy may not be safe for your baby. Tretinoin can also affect breast milk. If you are …