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Health topics
… move. It can include tremors, slow movement, stiffness, and problems with balance. Parkinson's disease gets worse over … or walking. Other symptoms include pain, depression, and sleep problems. Symptoms differ from person to person. Over … or leg. It may get better when you move the limb or you're asleep. Other common symptoms include: Stiff muscles. Slow …
… (including new/worsening anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, irritability, hostile/angry feelings, impulsive … such as mood swings, blurred vision, headache, tiredness, sleep changes, and brief feelings similar to electric shock. … ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before …
Health topics
… may need to have it removed by a doctor. You can also have problems from a piercing in the mouth. The piece of skin … The child seems to be tiring out. The child seems very sleepy or confused. Moderate trouble breathing means: The … that you can't stand it for more than a few hours, can't sleep, and can't do anything else except focus on the pain. …
Health topics
… Others develop more slowly. Why do speech and language problems develop in some children? Speech and language problems mean your child has trouble speaking or saying … loss or a family history of speech and language delay. Red flags for speech and language delays are generally based on …
Health topics
… cleft cysts are found in the neck. They don't usually cause problems unless they get infected. These cysts are most … that you can't stand it for more than a few hours, can't sleep, and can't do anything else except focus on the pain. … is bad enough to disrupt your normal activities and your sleep, but you can tolerate it for hours or days. Moderate …
Health topics
… patterns that causes either weight gain or weight loss Sleeping too much or not enough Feeling restless and unable … Feeling unworthy or guilty without an obvious reason Having problems concentrating, remembering, or making decisions … of desire, erection problems). Headaches. Trouble falling asleep, or waking a lot during the night. Weight gain. …
Health topics
… you having trouble seeing? This means you are having new problems reading ordinary print or seeing things at a … that you can't stand it for more than a few hours, can't sleep, and can't do anything else except focus on the pain. … is bad enough to disrupt your normal activities and your sleep, but you can tolerate it for hours or days. Moderate …
Health topics
… obvious sign of injury, but it can cause serious long-term problems or even death. Abusive head trauma often occurs … head well. Delicate blood vessels in their brains. Possible problems from brain injury A child may have brain damage that causes one or more serious problems, such as: Seizures. A baby may have uncontrolled …
Health topics
… gland and seminal vesicles are removed, he may have problems getting erections. And he will not be able to make … cystectomy. They may include short-term and longer-term problems. footnote 2 Short-term problems These include: Acidosis. This is an imbalance in …
Health topics
… medical care decisions that are important to many health problems. Varicose Veins: Should I Have a Surgical … the skin. What Happens Varicose veins usually don't cause problems. There are things you can do at home to help with … Fungal and bacterial infections, which may arise from skin problems resulting from fluid buildup (edema) in the leg and …