12 results found
Health topics
… Episiotomy, vacuum and forceps during labour and birth Last updated August 12, 2013 … The fetal heart rate slows, showing signs of stress Forceps Forceps are instruments placed around the baby's head and …
Medical tests
… a picture that helps your doctor see any devices, such as forceps to collect a biopsy sample, that are being moved … and sent to the lab to be studied. Finally, small biopsy forceps may be used to remove a sample of lung tissue. This … that may occur include: A tear in the lung from the biopsy forceps used to collect a tissue sample. This will allow air …
Health topics
… delivery (such as a caesarean section or a delivery with forceps ). Or it can be used when a delivery is happening … delivery (such as a caesarean section or a delivery with forceps ). Or it can be used when a delivery is happening …
Health topics
… tying it tightly at the base, or removing it with special forceps. A solution is applied to the base of the polyp to … tying it tightly at the base, or removing it with special forceps. A solution is applied to the base of the polyp to …
Health topics
… likely than epidural anesthesia to lead to an assisted (forceps or vacuum) delivery. footnote 4 But an opioid is … fully numbs the pelvic area for assisted births, such as a forceps or caesarean delivery. General anesthesia is the use … need to use different procedures to help deliver the baby. Forceps delivery or vacuum extraction is used to assist a …
Medical tests
… of skin . The skin sample is lifted up with a tool called a forceps or a needle and is cut from the tissue below. … of skin . The skin sample is lifted up with a tool called a forceps or a needle and is cut from the tissue below. …
Health topics
… a difficult delivery or after special devices (vacuum or forceps) are used to help deliver the baby. How is it … a difficult delivery or after special devices (vacuum or forceps) are used to help deliver the baby. How is it …
Health topics
… in caesarean deliveries and in the use of a vacuum or forceps during delivery. footnote 1 Monitoring doesn't cause … in caesarean deliveries and in the use of a vacuum or forceps during delivery. footnote 1 Monitoring doesn't cause …
Medical tests
… inspected . Your doctor may also insert tiny tools (forceps, loops, swabs) through the scope to collect tissue … inspected . Your doctor may also insert tiny tools (forceps, loops, swabs) through the scope to collect tissue …
Medical tests
… deliveries. It may also be linked to the use of a vacuum or forceps during delivery. footnote 1 There is a slight risk … deliveries. It may also be linked to the use of a vacuum or forceps during delivery. footnote 1 There is a slight risk …