Immunizations schedule for children

Immunizations schedule for children

Last updated

For COVID-19 vaccine recommendations, see our COVID-19 vaccines page. COVID-19 vaccines are free and available for everyone 6 months and older.

Schedule for school-age children and teens

The schedule below lists the vaccines recommended for school-age children and teens and when.  These routine vaccines are free. Your child may be offered other vaccines if they have not had all doses of the recommended vaccines they are eligible for. 

Click on the vaccine name for information on the vaccine and a link to the HealthLinkBC File.

GradeVaccine information
All grades
Grade 6
Grade 9

*Children under 9 years who are receiving the influenza vaccine for the first time need 2 doses.

Children with medical conditions

Children with certain medical conditions may need additional vaccines or additional doses of vaccines. Talk to your healthcare provider about what vaccines your child may need.

Vaccines for extra protection

In addition to the free routine vaccines your child is offered, there are other vaccines you can buy. These vaccines can help protect your child against even more diseases. Find information on vaccines for extra protection.

Useful resources

Learn more about what vaccines children need when they start kindergarten.

Learn about immunization (vaccination) and why it is important to your child’s health in this parent's guide to vaccination from the Public Health Agency of Canada