Generalized pain occurs in two or more sections of the abdomen.
Localized pain is confined to or is most intense in one section of the abdomen. Localized pain that comes on suddenly and gets steadily worse may mean a problem with an underlying organ. A serious problem may be present if other symptoms, such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or fever, develop after the abdominal pain started. Localized pain is also more worrisome if the pain starts in more than one area of the abdomen (generalized) and then becomes localized.
Current as of:
March 22, 2023
Author: Healthwise Staff Medical Review: William H. Blahd Jr. MD, FACEP - Emergency Medicine Anne C. Poinier MD - Internal Medicine Adam Husney MD - Family Medicine Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine David Messenger MD - Emergency Medicine, Critical Care Medicine
Medical Review:William H. Blahd Jr. MD, FACEP - Emergency Medicine & Anne C. Poinier MD - Internal Medicine & Adam Husney MD - Family Medicine & Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine & David Messenger MD - Emergency Medicine, Critical Care Medicine
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