Asthma in Older Adults: Managing Treatment


Diagnosis and treatment of asthma can be a challenge if you are age 65 or older. You might have another medical condition that masks your asthma. Or you may be more likely to have side effects from asthma medicines or be at risk for reactions from the different medicines you may be taking.

To treat your asthma, you and your doctor should work closely together, especially if you:

  • Have a history of smoking or have long-term respiratory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which can make it hard to diagnose asthma.
  • Have one or more other health conditions that can make asthma symptoms worse and complicate treatment, including sinusitis, heartburn, or heart failure. Some conditions, such as osteoporosis, can become worse when you use asthma medicines. Your doctor may prescribe asthma medicines that avoid making other medical problems worse and that interact the least with other medicines you may be taking.
  • Have trouble performing lung function tests, which can make diagnosis and treatment more difficult.
  • Have trouble using inhalers properly.
  • Don't always remember to take your medicines.


Current as of: November 14, 2022

Author: Healthwise Staff
Medical Review:
E. Gregory Thompson MD - Internal Medicine
Donald Sproule MDCM, CCFP - Family Medicine
Adam Husney MD - Family Medicine
Rohit K Katial MD - Allergy and Immunology
Elizabeth T. Russo MD - Internal Medicine