Source: Public Health Image Library (PHIL). Available online: http://phil.cdc.gov
Brown recluse spiders (Loxosceles reclusa), also called violin spiders or fiddle-back spiders, are found most often in the south-central part of the United States and live in hot, dry, abandoned areas, such as wood or rock piles. The brown recluse spider is not usually found in Canada. They are about 1.3 cm (0.5 in.) long with a dark violin-shaped mark on the combined head and midsection (cephalothorax). They have 6 eyes grouped in 3 pairs rather than 8 eyes like other spiders.
Adaptation Date: 6/14/2023
Adapted By: HealthLink BC
Adaptation Reviewed By: HealthLink BC
Adaptation Date: 6/14/2023
Adapted By: HealthLink BC
Adaptation Reviewed By: HealthLink BC