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Health topics
Testosterone On this page: About This Medicine About This … doctor. What are some examples? Here are some examples of testosterone. For each item in the list, the generic name is first, followed by any brand names. testosterone (Androderm, AndroGel, Delatestryl, …
Health topics
… Low Testosterone On this page: What is low testosterone? Men who have low testosterone do not make enough of the male hormone called …
Medical tests
Testosterone Test On this page: Test Overview Why It Is Done … It Feels Risks Results Test Overview A testosterone test checks the level of this male hormone (androgen) in the blood. Testosterone affects sexual features and development. In …
Health topics
… cancer needs androgens to grow. The main androgen is testosterone. Reducing the level of testosterone can slow the growth of prostate cancer and even … shrink the tumours. The testicles make most of the body's testosterone. Hormone therapy can be done in two ways. It is …
Health topics
… are synthetic substances similar to the male hormone testosterone . Doctors prescribe them to treat problems such … problems that cause the body to make very low amounts of testosterone. Steroids make muscles bigger and bones … rubbed on the skin. Anabolic steroid medicines include testosterone cypionate (such as Depo-testosterone) and …
Health topics
… is done to stop most of the body's production of testosterone , which prostate cancer usually needs in order … of the tissue from the lining of the testicles where testosterone is made. This leaves a nearly normal-looking … methods work equally well for stopping the production of testosterone by the testicles. These surgeries are about as …
Medical tests
… that is made in the adrenal glands . The body turns it into testosterone . A test for DHEA-S checks the level of this hormone in the blood. Testosterone affects sexual features and development. In … in large amounts by the testicles. In both men and women, testosterone is made in small amounts by the adrenal glands. …
Health topics
… goes up as you get older. Loss of the male hormone testosterone . As you age, your body makes less of this … to treat prostate cancer, can also lower the level of testosterone in your body. Low estrogen levels. Evidence … cause bone loss. Blood tests can also tell if low levels of testosterone or estrogen in your body are causing bone loss. …
Health topics
… cord to the penis. Other health problems, such as low testosterone levels, diabetes, or high blood pressure. Side … penis, prostate, rectum, and testicles. Do lab tests for testosterone and other hormones and for blood sugar. Your … your erection problem. These may include lab tests for: Testosterone. A low level may reduce sexual desire. Thyroid …
Health topics
… such as failure of the fetal testes to produce enough testosterone or the failure of the body to respond to testosterone, increase the risk of hypospadias and other … such as failure of the fetal testes to produce enough testosterone or the failure of the body to respond to …