The rotator cuff is the group of tendons and related muscles that help keep the upper arm bone seated in the socket of the shoulder blade. A torn rotator cuff tendon can cause pain, weakness, and limited range of motion in the shoulder.
A rotator cuff tear may be:
Partial, in which only part of the fibres of the tendon are torn.
Complete or full thickness, in which the tendon is torn all the way through.
Current as of:
November 9, 2022
Author: Healthwise Staff Medical Review: William H. Blahd Jr. MD, FACEP - Emergency Medicine Adam Husney MD - Family Medicine Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine Kenneth J. Koval MD - Orthopedic Surgery, Orthopedic Trauma
Medical Review:William H. Blahd Jr. MD, FACEP - Emergency Medicine & Adam Husney MD - Family Medicine & Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine & Kenneth J. Koval MD - Orthopedic Surgery, Orthopedic Trauma
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