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310 results found
Health topics
Broken Collarbone On this page: What is the collarbone (clavicle)? The collarbone (clavicle) is one of … blood vessels from the neck to the shoulder. What causes a broken collarbone? A broken collarbone is usually caused by …
Health topics
Broken Rib On this page: What is a broken rib? A broken rib (also called a fracture) is a crack or break in …
Health topics
Broken Toe On this page: What is a broken toe? A broken toe is a break, or fracture, in a bone of your toe. A …
Health topics
Broken Nose (Nasal Fracture) On this page: … and falls. But it may be hard to tell if your nose is broken. Swelling can make your nose look crooked even if it is not broken. When the swelling goes down after a few days, it is …
Health topics
… Chipped or Broken Tooth or Dental Appliance On this page: Overview … it occurs inside a permanent tooth after the tooth has been broken. Prompt dental treatment can often prevent the tooth … can delay healing and lead to infection or scarring. A broken dental appliance can interfere with your ability to …
Health topics
Broken Tooth or Dental Appliance: First Aid On this page: … the following steps: Remove loose dentures and the parts of broken dentures. Find the pieces. Find any pieces of tooth or the broken dental appliance and take them with you when you go …
Health topics
… parts of the shoulder . It occurs when the outer end of the collarbone (clavicle) separates from the end (acromion) of … vessels. The muscle strength of your shoulder and arm. For broken shoulder bones or damage to the tendons in the … vessels. The muscle strength of your shoulder and arm. For broken shoulder bones or damage to the tendons in the …
Medical tests
… and chest, including your breastbone , your ribs, your collarbone , and the upper part of your spine . A chest … air is seen in the spaces around a lung ( pneumothorax ). Broken bones (fractures) are seen in the rib cage, … air is seen in the spaces around a lung ( pneumothorax ). Broken bones (fractures) are seen in the rib cage, …
Health topics
… It has three main bones: the upper arm bone (humerus), the collarbone (clavicle), and the shoulder blade (scapula). … from a direct blow to or overstretching of the tendon. Broken bones ( fractures ). A break may occur when a bone is … Post-Operative Problems Self-Care First aid for a possible broken bone Most minor shoulder problems will heal on their …
Health topics
… (or being dropped) that causes a small bruise or scratch A broken collarbone (fractured clavicle) An eyelash or other object … (or being dropped) that causes a small bruise or scratch A broken collarbone (fractured clavicle) An eyelash or other …