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Swelling On this page: Overview Health Tools Check Your … Check Your Symptoms Overview Swelling is an increase in the size or a change in the shape of an area of the body. Swelling can be caused by: A collection of body fluid. …
Health topics
Swelling During Pregnancy On this page: Overview Overview You may have some mild swelling because of normal fluid buildup during pregnancy. … on blood vessels that go to your legs. This may cause swelling in your feet and ankles. Normally, foot swelling
Health topics
… Lower back pain Pubic pain Sore legs and varicose veins Swelling Constipation Changes in pigmentation on face and stomach Show  more less Overview Swelling of your feet and ankles is normal during pregnancy. Most of the swelling should be gone when you get up in the morning. If …
Health topics
… not stand or walk on it unless it is designed for walking. Swelling Your cast may feel snug for a few days after your surgery or injury. This is usually because of swelling. Swelling can slow healing and cause pain. Too much swelling
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… Information Overview Insect stings often cause minor swelling, redness, pain, and itching. Most bites and stings … of the sting to slow the spread of venom. Hours later, if swelling is present, you can elevate the limb to help reduce swelling. Relieving pain, itching, and swelling Apply an ice …
Health topics
… Symptoms Overview Insect and spider bites often cause minor swelling, redness, pain, and itching. These mild reactions … breathing, or a feeling of fullness in the mouth or throat. Swelling of the lips, tongue, ears, eyelids, palms of the … numbers. Reaction to bee stings can range from minor skin swelling and redness to a serious allergic reaction. Wasps, …
Health topics
… During pregnancy, changes in the hands are common. Mild swelling of your hands may be caused by the normal buildup … in your wrist. Symptoms usually go away after pregnancy. Swelling also can be a more serious sign of preeclampsia, a … more information, see the topic Pregnancy-Related Problems. Swelling of your hands during pregnancy may be more serious …
Health topics
… physically is what doctors call low exercise capacity. Swelling in ankles or feet People with heart failure often experience swelling in their ankles or feet. You might notice that: It … in your skin. Shoes no longer fit. The degree of swelling you experience depends on how well your body is …
Health topics
… you have pre-eclampsia . This problem may cause: Abnormal swelling, especially in your face, hands, or feet. Pre-eclampsia is more likely when new swelling starts suddenly and you have a sudden weight gain … calf, back of the knee, thigh, or groin, or redness and swelling in the arm or leg. These are symptoms of a blood …
Health topics
… front or back of the wrist. Tonsillitis . It may also cause swelling in the neck. A salivary gland problem, such as … ( goiter ) is in the neck just below the Adam's apple. Swelling caused by cancer A lump caused by cancer is usually … painful. Most lumps aren't caused by cancer. Other causes Swelling may also be caused by: A side effect of a medicine, …