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Health topics
Bones, Joints, and Muscles Learning Center Learn about bone, joint, and muscle … health It's not uncommon to have aches and pains in our bones, joints, and muscles. They may be caused by everyday …
Health topics
… Healthy Muscles On this page: Overview … the muscles and the connective tissues between them (joints, tendons, and ligaments). This prepares them for the … which help protect your joints. Less body fat. Stronger bones. Better posture and balance. Lower blood sugar. Less …
Health topics
… Hamstring Muscles On this page: Overview Overview The hamstring muscles are the three muscles that run down the back of the thigh. They attach to …
Health topics
… leg cramps are usually sudden spasms, or tightening, of muscles in the calf. The muscle cramps can sometimes happen … or activities, such as: Exercising, injury, or overuse of muscles. Pregnancy. Cramps may occur because of decreased … sleep, your doctor may prescribe medicine that relaxes your muscles. Talk with your doctor if you have muscle cramps …
Health topics
… cause wear and tear or pain if it presses or rubs on other bones or soft tissues such as ligaments, tendons, or nerves … process. As we age, the tissue that covers the ends of the bones within joints breaks down and eventually wears away …
Medical tests
… Overview A bone scan is a test that can find damage to the bones, find cancer that has spread to the bones, and watch problems such as infection and trauma to the bones. A bone scan can often find a problem days to months …
Medical tests
… in the body. It is easiest to get the biopsy samples from bones that are close to the skin surface and away from any … also show osteoporosis or osteomalacia , which means the bones are weak. Most cancer of the bone spreads … in the body. It is easiest to get the biopsy samples from bones that are close to the skin surface and away from any …
Medical tests
… measures the density of minerals (such as calcium ) in your bones. This information helps your doctor estimate the strength of your bones. We all lose some bone mass as we age. Bones naturally become thinner as you grow older. This is …
Health topics
… is a calf muscle injury? Your calf muscle is actually two muscles, the gastrocnemius muscle and the soleus muscle. These muscles can be injured if they get overstretched. Injury to … is a calf muscle injury? Your calf muscle is actually two muscles, the gastrocnemius muscle and the soleus muscle. …
Health topics
… tension, which can cause pain or discomfort. In turn, tense muscles relay to the body that it's stressed, which keeps … tension, which can cause pain or discomfort. In turn, tense muscles relay to the body that it's stressed, which keeps …