HealthLink BC Eating and Activity Program for Kids

HealthLink BC Eating and Activity Program for Kids

Last updated

We are currently unable to accept written referrals to the HealthLink BC Eating and Activity Program for Kids.

If your pediatric patient would benefit from speaking with one of our health professionals, please guide them to call 8-1-1 and ask to speak with a qualified exercise professional or a registered dietitian.

Please also consider referring your patient to other childhood healthy weights programs in B.C.


The HealthLink BC Eating and Activity Program for Kids helps B.C. children, teens and their families reach healthy weights and improve their overall health and quality of life. Families participating in the program will discuss their health priorities and gain new skills. Staff will focus on supporting behaviour changes for healthy eating, active living and lifestyle habits. Program materials are tailored to meet family needs and values, plus address barriers to healthy living. The program is available to B.C. residents between the ages of 0 and 18, and their families.

Frequently asked questions

If your family is participating in or you have been referred to the program, the following may be helpful.

Growth can be assessed using the Body Mass Index (BMI) to track your child’s growth over time. A health care provider or HealthLink BC Eating and Activity Program for Kids staff member can help you understand your child’s growth pattern and answer your weight related questions.

The program is available to B.C. residents (ages 0 to 18) and their families. Any child, teen or family concerned they are above a healthy weight is eligible to participate.

Services are provided by a HealthLink BC pediatric registered dietitian and qualified exercise professional.

Included in the program are up to eight scheduled telephone calls providing education and counseling on a variety of healthy eating and active living topics. Ongoing support and follow up appointments to maintain the skills you have learned and the changes you have made are included.

You will be provided with a program workbook including educational materials and fun activities. Program materials are tailored to meet family needs and address barriers to health living.

Topics covered in the program may be a little different for every family, depending on your needs. We will guide you and your child or teen through various healthy living topics. Examples of topics include: family mealtimes, healthy drink choices, increasing fun physical activities, and reducing screen time.

Each program call will last about 45 to 60 minutes and you may talk with both the dietitian and exercise professional during that session. Follow up calls will help you maintain the skills you learned and are about 30 minutes each.

The program provides ongoing support for up to two years.


There is no cost to participate in the program.

For health care providers

For more information about the HLBC eating and activity supports available for your patients, call 8-1-1 and ask to speak to a registered dietitian or qualified exercise professional.

Other B.C. Healthy Living Programs for children and youth

Generation Health Clinic

Generation Health Clinic is a free, family-centred healthy living program for children and teens aged 6-17 living with overweight or obesity and specific health concerns. It’s delivered by a multidisciplinary team that helps children, teens, and their families make positive, long-term behaviour changes towards healthy living. 

Generation Health Community

Generation Health Community is a fun, interactive and free 10-week program for families with children aged 8 to 12-years-old who need support with healthy living behaviours such as healthy eating, physical activity, screen time and sleep. Visit their website for more information, including how to register for the program.