Include food choices from each of the four food groups from Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide at every meal:
- Vegetables and Fruit: Prepare meals with vegetables and/or fruit covering half of the plate or dish.
- Grain Products: Offer prepackaged products that score as Sell Most at lower prices than those that score as Sell Sometimes. Replace white flour with whole grain flour in recipes and look for prepackaged food listing 'whole grain' with the first ingredient on a label.
- Milk and Alternatives: Have milk and milk alternatives readily available for sale to students. Offer lower or non-fat milk (skim, 1% or 2%) as beverages and use lower-fat milk products as ingredients when preparing food.
- Meat and Alternatives: Use lean whole cuts of meat more often than processed meats. Try meat alternatives such as beans, lentils and tofu in various types of food such as salads and burgers.