Modern-day cloth diapers are available with velcro, snaps, or plastic clips and can be as easy to use as disposables.
Many expectant and new parents wonder about using cloth diapers for their baby. Some parents chose to use a cloth diaper service, where clean diapers are dropped off at the home and soiled diapers are picked up. Other parents choose to purchase and wash their own cloth diapers.
There are a variety of types of cloth diapers on the market, such as:
- All-in-one diapers. These go on and off like a disposable diaper.
- Pocket diapers (with inserts that you "stuff" into the diaper for absorbency). Once stuffed these go on and off like a disposable diaper.
- 2-piece diapers (with a cotton, fleece, bamboo, or hemp inner diaper and a water proof cover).
- Swim diapers.