Most newborns need their diapers changed 10 to 15 times a day!
Since you'll spend a lot of time changing diapers, make it a special time for talking, laughing and playing with your baby.
Here are some more tips for diapering your newborn:
- Wash your hands before and after each change.
- Put your baby on a flat, safe surface, such as a change table with side rails or on the floor.
- Keep one hand on your baby at all times. Never leave baby unattended on a change table, even for a second!
- Babies move around, so keep creams, pins, etc. out of reach. Give your baby a toy to play with during diaper changes.
- Wipe the diaper area with a warm, wet washcloth or a non perfumed diaper wipe. Pat the area dry or allow it to air dry.
- Do not use powder or cornstarch. A puff of powder near the face or nostrils can cause choking and breathing difficulties.