If you have to be away from your baby for more than a few hours, you can express your breast milk and store it for later.
Here's some advice on making sure your milk is stored safely.
Expressed breast milk can be safely stored (in a sterilized bottle) for:
- Up to four hours at room temperature.
- Three days in a fridge set between 0 and 4°C (not in the door of the fridge).
- One month in the freezer compartment that is inside a fridge.
- Up to six months in a separate door fridge freezer. Keep milk on the back shelf at a temperature of -18°C. Place the date on the freezer bag or container if you're building up a supply.
- Six to 12 months in a deep freeze at a temperature of -20°C.
As with all baby food, it's important to follow proper safety practices when using breast milk. Always use the oldest milk first - label all milk containers with the date.