Caring for your school-age child

Caring for your school-age child

Last updated


At school-age, children begin to care about fitting into the wider social world. They try to understand the rules of life, morals, manners and family values. During this time, your role as a parent is as important as ever. Home life and family relationships continue to be the biggest influence on your child’s development. Learn more about helping your child to understand the world around them

Communicating with your school-age child

Communication is fundamental to building a positive relationship with your child. Not only does it create a bond between you, it also builds your child’s self-esteem and helps open up conversations about their hopes and fears. In this section, learn more about connecting with your child:

Skill building for school-age children

Self-esteem and resiliency can be tenuous in school-age children. Having conversations with your children about challenges that they face is a good way to build these qualities. Learn more about building your child’s resilience:

School and friendships

Children adapt to many new situations and routines when they start attending school. Learn more about your child and school:

School-age children and the body

It can feel uncomfortable to discuss sexuality with your child. But as a parent, you are the ideal teacher to help your child learn about sex. Explaining details of sexuality in an open and honest way encourages a positive attitude toward a natural process. Learn more about Helping Your School-Age Child Learn About the Body.            

Establishing limits for school-age children

Parents who set limits for their children show them that they love and care about them. Learn about Establishing Limits With Your School-Age Child


Bedwetting can be upsetting, especially for an older child. Your child may feel bad and be embarrassed. You can help by being loving and supportive.