Positive parenting for toddlers

Positive parenting for toddlers

Last updated

Parenting a toddler isn't always easy, every year brings new joys and challenges. Your toddler is naturally curious and eager to explore - while you may still be learning how to set limits. 

Toddlers need playful, supportive opportunities to learn about the world and how to express themselves. Encourage your toddler by providing a loving, secure and nurturing environment that includes limits and positive discipline. Find more advice to help keep parenting positive.

Provide comfort

  • If your toddler is sick, hurt, or lonely - reassure, rock or hold her
  • Be responsive, sensitive and available as much as you can

Respond and notice

  • Telling children what you want is more effective than telling them what you don't want.
  • Divert your toddler from potentially harmful or dangerous situations by providing something more acceptable to play with.
  • Find activities you both enjoy. Spend time talking with and listening to your toddler.
  • Read stories, go for walks and play games together.
  • Show interest in your toddler's activities and spend lots of one on one time together. Your toddler loves spending time with you.

Provide a sense of trust

  • Keep your home and environment as safe as possible to allow your toddler more freedom to explore
  • Protect his independence when your toddler learns to walk, he may walk a short distance away from you, but make sure you remain nearby so your toddler can return to you

Review and re-enact experiences

  • Talk with your toddler about things that have happened in her life. As she gets older, tell your toddler stories about when she was small.
  • Show your toddler photos of when she was younger, and answer any questions she may have. These memories can give your toddler a sense of her past and create a feeling of security.
  • If your toddler goes through a difficult event, talk about it. Review it, play it out, and discuss it when your toddler is willing and able to do so. Events such as the birth of a sibling or a friend leaving town, are important and it helps to talk about them.

Create warm memories

  • Make a photo album and look at it with your toddler
  • Maintain a collection of his crafts and artwork
  • Make videos and keep a record of special events
  • Establish family traditions; they help your toddler feel secure and able to look forward to things

Provide a sense of security

  • Being away from your toddler once in a while will help her sense of attachment, but these separations must be handled well