Regular physical activity is important for overall health and can help to prevent and treat many chronic conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
Moving more and sitting a little less everyday can have tremendous benefits for people of every age and ability level. Only 16% of Canadian adults are active enough to meet the recommended levels of physical activity and get the health benefits.
Regular physical activity can:
- Improve heart health
- Strengthen bones and muscles
- Improve sleep
- Lower stress
- Maintain brain health
- Help control weight
- Help you live longer
Canadian guidelines recommend that adults accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity each week. Activities to strengthen your muscles, and improve your flexibility and balance are also recommended.
It is important to know that even small increases in your physical activity level can provide health benefits. Try to choose activities you enjoy and will continue to do.
Useful resources
Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Adults (ParticipACTION, Canada)
This website provides guidelines on recommended levels of physical activity and sedentary time for adults (ages 18-64 years).
Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Older Adults (ParticipACTION, Canada)
This website provides guidelines on recommended levels of physical activity and sedentary time for older adults (ages 65 years and older).
EverybodyMoves Hub (Physical Activity for Health Collaborative and BC Alliance for Healthy Living Society, Canada)
This database provides links to practical resources and examples on how to make physical activity more inclusive for more of the community. Resources are searchable through key words, subjects and type. Note: The individual resources were not evaluated by our team.
Move for Life (Government of British Columbia, Canada)
Move for Life is a DVD featuring adults of various ages and abilities demonstrating physical activity routines. This website provides the shorter routines called Energy Bursts. The DVD can be borrowed from your local library.
Let’s Make our Day Harder (Reframe Health Lab & Dr. Mike Evans, Canada)
This YouTube video explains how to avoid inactivity in everyday life.
23 and ½ hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health? (Reframe Health Lab & Dr. Mike Evans, Canada)
This YouTube video describes the benefits of being active and how to fit physical activity into your day.
The Importance of Intensity in Physical Activity (Reframe Health Lab & Dr. Mike Evans, Canada)
This YouTube video describes the importance of doing moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity.
Physical Activity Counselling Toolkit (University of Alberta, Canada)
This Toolkit consists of handouts on starting and maintaining physical activity, which are intended to be used with a health care provider.
Exercise and physical activity (National Institute on Aging, USA)
This webpage provides the benefits of and tips on physical activity as well as printable tools to help set goals, make a plan and track progress for physical activity.
Rx for Health Series (Exercise Is Medicine, USA)
This webpage consists of handouts on physical activity for general health and various chronic conditions, which are intended to be used with a health care provider and/or qualified exercise professional. All handouts are available in English and Spanish.
Physical Activity (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, USA)
This website provides general information about benefits and types of physical activity with age-related recommendations and printable infographics.