Helping you make it happen

Helping you make it happen

Last updated

Have you heard that physical activity is important for being healthy? Are you unsure what it can do for you or your health condition(s)?

Has a health care professional or loved one told you to be more active? Are you unsure about how to get started?

If so, then you're in the right place. This section includes information and resources to help you:

  • Learn about the benefits you can gain by being physically active,
  • Decide whether you are ready to be more physically active, and
  • Take steps toward changing your physical activity level.

Deciding to be more physically active is just that: a decision. And it's not just anybody's decision to make – it's your decision to make. Keep in mind that you as an individual choose when, how much, or if at all, to include physical activity in your day/week. Before deciding, it may be helpful to first learn about the benefits you can gain by being physically active.

If you are interested in learning about what physical activity can do for you and your health condition(s), you may find the links below helpful.

  • For more information on the benefits of physical activity on general health, click here.
  • For more information on the benefits of physical activity on cardiovascular conditions, such as high blood pressure, click here.
  • For more information on the benefits of physical activity on lung conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, click here.
  • For more information on the benefits of physical activity on arthritis, click here.
  • For more information on the benefits of physical activity on cancer, click here.
  • For more information on the benefits of physical activity on metabolic conditions, such as diabetes, click here.
  • For more information on the benefits of physical activity on mental health conditions, click here.

Knowing how physical activity can help you and your health condition(s) is not enough – you also need to be ready for change. Each person's life situation is unique – and it is important to respect this fact. Whether you personally are ready for change is up to you. Nobody can tell you whether you are ready – you know your body and your life situation best.

If you are thinking about making a change to your physical activity level, but are unsure if it is safe to do so or are unsure about how, you may want to speak with the qualified exercise professionals at HealthLink BC free of charge or your health care provider(s).

The resources below may also help you with deciding whether you are ready to make a change.

A big part of making a physical activity plan that works for you is understanding your starting point. Knowing how much physical activity you do right now, whether it's specific activities or simply moving your body through usual everyday activities, will help you develop a realistic and achievable plan that gradually increases your physical activity. Remember to be honest with yourself when answering the questions in the resources below – your answers are for your eyes only and are only helpful if you are honest with yourself.

Just like deciding on whether you want to become more physically active, how to get started is also up to you! Jumping into a routine that doesn't consider your life situation is likely to fail. Instead, when getting started, think first about what physical activities you enjoy, what times of day you can be active, and what supports you have in place that will help you achieve your new physical activity plan. Now is a great time to explore all of the opportunities that are available to you in your community.

The resources below will help you prepare for how you can easily incorporate physical activity into your day/week.

Vacations, injuries, illnesses, poor weather, unexpected life circumstances, and moving homes are all common reasons why many people end up experiencing a break in their physical activity routine. The key is to plan for this, as best you can, so it doesn't shake your confidence! Know that it is normal and nothing to stress about – your fitness levels do not drop within days or even a week or two. Consider it part of the natural journey of being a lifelong exerciser, and know that returning to regular physical activity will be even easier as compared to when you first began and were starting from scratch!

The key to restarting physical activity after a break, is to do so without guilt. Be proud that you are pressing the “restart” button, no matter how many days it's been. Start off gently and see how your body responds. You will likely be surprised at how much fitness you kept over your break, making it easier to dive back into your physical activity routine.  Just like when you first began, know that any bit of activity is better than none! Check out this resource for what to do when a break in your physical activity routine does occur.

The best type of physical activity you can do for yourself is the type that you enjoy and therefore will continue to do. This doesn't mean you should shy away from activities you've never done before – sometimes those are the kinds of things that you can end up liking the most! What it does mean is that it is important to listen to your body. Working with a qualified exercise professional can also be a good resource if you're unsure of the types of activities that could be helpful for you. Consider the resources below when brainstorming which types of activities could work best for you. And on that note…remember that you can choose more than one activity. Be open to trying a few to find the one(s) that work best for you!