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In British Columbia, registered midwives offer primary health care to pregnant people and their newborn babies. They provide care during pregnancy, labour, birth and the postpartum period.

Midwives are autonomous health professionals regulated through the British Columbia College of Nurses & Midwives. Midwives complete a bachelor’s degree that covers a wide variety of subjects related to maternity, newborn care, reproductive and sexual health, ethics and clinical skills.

Midwifery care is holistic, combining social, emotional, cultural, spiritual, psychological and physical elements of health to promote wellness in clients, babies and families. B.C.’s midwifery model of practice incorporates the principles of:

  • Continuity of care
  • Informed choice
  • Choice of birth setting
  • Ethics
  • Evidence-based practice

Services provided by a midwife

A midwife can:

  • Act as your designated most responsible provider in primary care during pregnancy, labour, delivery and the postpartum period
  • Conduct physical examinations, and order screening and diagnostic tests
  • Assess, monitor and diagnose medical conditions and prescribe medications related to your reproductive and sexual health
  • Deliver your baby in a hospital or out of hospital setting (like your home) (Learn about Choosing Where to Give Birth - Hospital or Home?)
  • Detect complications in your pregnancy arrange access to appropriate medical care
  • Carry out appropriate emergency measures, when necessary
  • Prescribe medications during pregnancy, labour and following birth
  • Provide counselling and advice regarding sexual and reproductive health, and care for newborns and infants
  • Ensure you and your baby receive the best care possible by collaborating with and referring you to other health care providers such as:
    • Family physicians
    • Nurse practitioners
    • Obstetrical, pediatric or other medical specialists
    • Other allied health care providers

How to get a midwife

Midwives are available in many communities across B.C. You do not need a referral to see a midwife.

Use the Find a Midwife search tool to find a registered midwife by name, practice or community.

Medical Services Plan (MSP)

Midwifery services are a benefit under the B.C. Midwifery Program for eligible B.C. residents enrolled with the Medical Services Plan (MSP). They are funded by the Ministry of Health.

For more information on midwives, visit: