Rethinking Drinking: Alcohol and Managing Your Weight

British Columbia Specific Information

All opioids, including prescribed medications such as morphine and oxycodone, can be addictive. If you are concerned about your use of opioids, speak with your health care provider. For more information visit HeretoHelp.

Individual, family and small group counselling is available to people of all ages who are directly or indirectly affected by alcohol and other drug use. For more information call the 24-hour BC Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service in the Lower Mainland at 604-660-9382 or toll-free anywhere in B.C. at 1-800-663-1441, or visit our Mental Health and Substance Use web pages. 

To find mental health and substance use support services in your area, search the HealthLinkBC Directory or contact your local health authority.

On this page:

Getting Started

You might be doing just the right things when it comes to healthy eating: paying attention to your hunger signals and triggers, eating healthy foods, and controlling portions. If you're still struggling at the scale, alcohol might be the reason.

A few glasses of wine or a creamy cocktail at a party can have the same calories as a slice of cake, a milkshake, or even a fast-food burger. If you're trying to maintain your weight or even lose some, it might be worth rethinking your drinking. Here are some tips to help you decide how alcohol may fit in with your weight management plan.

  • Know how many calories are in a standard drink.

    For example:

    • One mixed drink containing 43 mL (1.5 fl oz) of 80-proof hard liquor, such as a martini, has 124 calories. A frozen margarita has 500.
    • One 142 mL (5 fl oz) glass of white or red wine has 121 to 125 calories. Sparkling wine has 84.
    • One 341 mL (12 fl oz) bottle of regular beer has 153 calories. A light beer has 103, and a craft beer has 200 or more calories.
  • Think about your weight-management goal.

    Maybe you want to lose a little weight, or to keep your weight the same. How did your journey start, and where are you now? Can you still see where you want to be?

    Reconnecting with that vision, and your goal, might help you decide if there are things you want to do differently when it comes to drinking. For example:

    • You could take a break from alcohol for a week, just to see how it feels—and to see if it has an impact on your weight.
    • Maybe you could try ordering a light beer instead of a craft beer. Or you could swap those "happy hour" calories for something else instead.
    • Maybe you could skip your morning mocha because you know you're going out with friends after work for drinks. Or you could skip the alcohol altogether and order a sparkling water instead.

    Write down your ideas. Come up with one or two small steps that will get you a little closer to your long-term weight goal. Pick something that appeals to you. Start small, and think about when you can start.

    You might end up making some different decisions about what you drink, or if you drink at all.


Current as of: March 1, 2023

Author: Healthwise Staff
Medical Review:
Heather Quinn MD - Family Medicine