Injury prevention

Injury prevention

Last updated

Injuries are one of the leading causes of emergency room visits for all age groups. Yet, many injuries are predictable and preventable. Awareness of common injuries and prevention tips will help keep you and your community members safe.

Despite our efforts to keep people safe, injuries still happen. These include injuries related to:

  • Falls (especially among seniors)
  • Transportation
  • Workplaces
  • Physical activity
  • Drowning
  • Poisoning
  • Burns
  • Violence
  • Self-harm and suicide

Things you can do to prevent injury

Fall prevention

Take steps to reduce your likelihood of a fall by staying active and maintaining your strength and balance. To learn more, see:


Take precautions when driving, cycling or walking. Pedestrians and cyclists are also vulnerable to collisions. To prevent injuries on the road:

  • Drive at or below the speed limit
  • Stay focused while driving. Do not use your phone or other hand-held devices, search for music or engage in any activity that shifts your attention from the road
  • Be aware of your environment when maintaining physical distance
  • Look in all directions when you cross the road and check all lanes of traffic
  • Do not drive while impaired by alcohol, other drugs or medications. For more information, see Government of British Columbia: Driving while affected by drugs or alcohol
  • Wear a helmet when cycling and ensure that it fits snugly. There should be no more than two fingers’ width between your chin and the strap. To learn more about bike safety, visit The BC Cycling Coalition: Cycling Safety

Safe storage

Keep medications and poisonous substances locked up. To learn more, see:

Water safety

Learn about water safety to prevent swimming-related injury or drowning. For prevention tips and more, see:

Mental health

Stress, social isolation and loneliness may be contributing factors to injury. For some, this can lead to an increase in substance use or a worsening of mental health symptoms. Domestic conflicts have also increased. Post-traumatic stress disorder has emerged for essential services workers. These and other factors can lead to an increase in suicide, self-harm and types of violence.

Getting enough sleep will help you stay rested and alert. It is also important to pay attention to your mental health and overall wellness. There are many precautions you can take to reduce your chance of getting injured. To learn more, visit: