Vacations, injuries, illnesses, poor weather, unexpected life circumstances, and moving homes are all common reasons why many people end up experiencing a break in their physical activity routine. The key is to plan for this, as best you can, so it doesn't shake your confidence! Know that it is normal and nothing to stress about – your fitness levels do not drop within days or even a week or two. Consider it part of the natural journey of being a lifelong exerciser, and know that returning to regular physical activity will be even easier as compared to when you first began and were starting from scratch!
The key to restarting physical activity after a break, is to do so without guilt. Be proud that you are pressing the “restart” button, no matter how many days it's been. Start off gently and see how your body responds. You will likely be surprised at how much fitness you kept over your break, making it easier to dive back into your physical activity routine. Just like when you first began, know that any bit of activity is better than none! Check out this resource for what to do when a break in your physical activity routine does occur.