Caring for your preschooler

Caring for your preschooler

Last updated


Preschoolers are learning to express their feelings, ideas and curiosity about the world around them. Learning how to talk and listen to your preschooler will encourage good self-esteem and build good family relationships. It will also help make sure that they feel secure and have what they need to grow.

Providing guidance for preschoolers

Giving your preschooler positive guidance is important. Being responsive to your child will help them gain trust in themselves and others. With practice, they will learn to make friends and be comfortable in groups. It will also build independence and confidence as they grow. Learn how to give your child guidance:

Temper tantrums and crying in preschool

It takes time for preschoolers to learn how to deal with their feelings. Tantrums and crying are common behaviours. Giving your child comfort and support helps them to know they are loved and that they can come to you with problems. Learn more about challenging behaviours:

Preschooler health

Modeling a safe lifestyle for your child will help them gain confidence in exploring the world. Learn more about keeping your preschooler healthy:

Dental care for preschoolers

Taking care of your toddler's teeth is vital to their general health. Choosing foods and drinks that are low in sugar, making regular visits to the dentist and brushing with toothpaste all contribute to overall dental health. Learn more about caring for your child's teeth:

Bedwetting and other sleep problems

Sometimes children experience problems sleeping due to factors beyond their control. This includes bedwetting and nightmares. Learn more about helping your child sleep soundly:

Useful resources

Information for parents about their child’s health and wellbeing created by Canadian paediatricians. 

Health Canada resources on topics like healthy living, medicines, injuries and oral health for kids. 

A health education resource approved by health care providers at the Hospital for Sick Children.