Spinal cord injuries and back pain

Spinal cord injuries and back pain

Last updated


Spinal cord injury and low back pain can be individual health concerns or present together. In people with spinal cord injury, back pain is common. Spinal cord injury and low back pain can affect mobility and quality of life. Learn about these health concerns and rehabilitation.

Spinal cord injury

Spinal cord injury refers to damage to the spinal cord due to traumatic (for example, from falling) or non-traumatic (such as from a tumor) causes. The extent of a spinal cord injury depends on the severity and location of the injury in the spinal cord. Rehabilitation is an important part of treatment. It can help you regain some functions that the injury took away and learn ways to adapt to day-to-day tasks. Learn more:

Low back pain

Low back pain refers to pain between the lower edge of the ribs and the buttock. Because low back pain can affect mobility and quality of life, rehabilitation is an important part of its management. This may include physiotherapy and therapeutic exercise. Learn more: