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Adoption is one way to start or grow your family. People who decide to adopt come in many shapes and sizes, including couples and single people. There are many different reasons you may choose to adopt. Families may already have children and want to grow their family. Some people may decide to adopt after experiencing infertility. Some same-sex couples choose adoption. For these families, adoption has the potential to provide loving homes for children. Adoption can establish meaningful relationships between adoptive families and birth parents.

Prospective parents in B.C. can consider different types of adoption. Options include adopting from foster care, internationally, a local infant or a relative.

Deciding to adopt

If you are thinking about adopting, you may have many questions about the different types of adoptions. There are many emotional and legal considerations. You may wonder about the children who are available for adoption. The resources below include information for LGBTQ2S+, single parents and couples experiencing infertility. Learn about adopting local infants, international adoption and adopting B.C.’s waiting children.

Starting the adoption process

Learn more about the different types of adoption and how to get started.