Other important contacts

Other important contacts

Last updated

Do you want to talk to someone about the medical care you or your family has received? Do you have questions for the Ministry of Health? The contact information below can help you determine who you can talk to about your questions or concerns.

Speak with your health care provider

If you have a concern with the care you or a family member has received, speak directly to the person who provided or will be providing the service. It is best to deal with your question or concern when and where they occur.

Patient Care Quality Office

If the response from the health care provider or facility that provided the service does not address your question or concern fully, or you would like to make a formal care quality complaint contact the Patient Care Quality Office in your area or the health care facility.

Patient Care Quality Review Board

If you have contacted the Patient Care Quality Office in your area and are not satisfied with how your complaint was handled or the response you received, you may request that an independent Patient Care Quality Review Board review the matter.

Ministry of Health

If you have a question or concern about policy, legislation, or decisions of the Ministry of Health, please contact the Ministry by sending an email to hlth.health@gov.bc.ca or a letter to the Ministry of Health, 1515 Blanshard Street, Victoria BC V8W 3C8.

Office of the Ombudsperson

The Ombudsperson is able to take enquiries and complaints about the practices of and services provided by public agencies such as hospitals and regional health authorities. You can contact the Office of the Ombudsperson at 1-800-567-3247 anywhere in British Columbia or 250-387-5855 in Victoria and area.

BC Health Regulators

In British Columbia, most health care professionals are licensed by regulatory colleges. Regulatory colleges set and enforce standards of practice and make sure that their health professionals deliver safe and acceptable care. To learn more about how regulatory colleges work and to see a list of British Columbia’s regulatory colleges that are governed by the Health Professionals Act and the Social Workers Act, visit BC Health Regulators.