Food sources of sodium

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We need small amounts of sodium, but eating too much can increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. Most adults only need 1500 mg of sodium per day. Many Canadians eat much more than this. To decrease the risk of chronic disease, limit your intake to below 2300 mg per day.

Knowing how much sodium there is in food can help you make more healthy food choices. The table below lists foods and their sodium content. The sodium content of foods can also be found on food labels. Use this information to make lower sodium choices.

FoodServing SizeSodium (mg)
Vegetables and fruit
Tomato sauce, canned125mL (½ cup) 614
Sauerkraut, canned125mL (½ cup) 496
Pizza sauce, ready to serve, canned125mL (½ cup) 463
Pickles (sour)1 small447
Pepper, jalapeno, canned1 pepper368
Tomato juice, canned125mL (½ cup) 325
Pickles (dill)1 small299
Olives, canned4 olives248
Tomatoes, canned125mL (½ cup) 236
Potatoes, instant, mashed125mL (½ cup) 191
Vegetables, mixed, canned125mL (½ cup) 184
Tomato and vegetable juice, low sodium125mL (½ cup) 89
Tomatoes, sundried125mL (½ cup) 70
Tomato paste, no salt added60mL (2 Tbsp)41
Vegetables, any variety, no sodium added, canned125mL (½ cup) 25
Tomato juice, no salt added125mL (½ cup) 13
Pepper, jalapeno, raw1 medium0
Fresh and most frozen vegetables contain very little sodium. All fruit including fresh, frozen, dried and canned is low in sodium.
Bread stuffing, dry mix, prepared125mL (½ cup) 506
Macaroni and cheese, box mix, prepared125ml (½ cup) 459
Hot cereal, instant175mL (¾ cup) 370-225
Rice mix, seasoned, prepared125mL (½ cup) 365
Bagel½ bagel  288
Crackers, saltine10 saltines282
Pancake mix1 small pancake239
Bread roll1 roll224
Muffin, commercial1 small222
Bread, whole wheat, commercial1 slice213
Breadcrumbs, plain, commercial60mL (2 Tbsp)200
Pancakes, frozen1 pancake189
Breadstick, plain1 stick71
Grains cooked without salt such as rice, barley, quinoa, oats, wheat and whole grain pasta are low in sodium.
Meat, fish, poultry and eggs
Mackerel, salted75g (2 ½ oz) 3337
Anchovies, canned75g (2 ½ oz) 2751
Bacon, turkey, cooked75g (2 ½ oz) 1516
Salami75g (2 ½ oz) 1418
Bacon, pork, cooked75g (2 ½ oz) 1263
Pepperoni75g (2 ½ oz) 939
Bacon, pork, reduced sodium, cooked75g (2 ½ oz) 773
Sausage, Italian, cooked75g (2 ½ oz) 614
Chicken, rotisserie with seasoning75g (2 ½ oz) 235-544
Sausage, chorizo, cooked75g (2 ½ oz) 540
Chicken nugget, cooked75g (2 ½ oz) 420
Crab, imitation (surimi)75g (2 ½ oz) 397
Fish sticks, cooked75g (2 ½ oz) 302
Salmon, canned, salted75g (2 ½ oz) 293-306
Egg substitute125mL (½ cup) 264
Sardines, canned75g (2 ½ oz) 173
Egg, whole, cooked2 large eggs125
Mackerel, baked or broiled75g (2 ½ oz) 62
Salmon, canned, unsalted75g (2 ½ oz) 56
Fresh and unprocessed frozen meat, poultry and fish contain little sodium.
Legumes, nuts and seeds
Beans, baked, plain, canned175mL (¾ cup) 644
Tofu, smoked175mL (¾ cup) 423mg
Pumpkin seeds, salted60mL (¼ cup) 412
Veggie burgers1 patty (70g)398
Chickpeas, canned, drained, rinsed175mL (¾ cup) 225
Cashews, salted60mL (¼ cup) 222
Almonds, salted60mL (¼ cup) 174
Peanut butter30mL (2 Tbsp)139
Soy beverage, fortified250mL (1 cup)96
Edamame, raw125mL (½ cup) 20
Tempeh175mL (¾ cup) 14
Tofu, regular175mL (¾ cup) 10
Chickpeas, no salt added , canned175mL (¾ cup) 7
Cashews, unsalted60mL (¼ cup) 6
Almonds, unsalted60mL (¼ cup) 1
Dried beans and lentils, as well as unsalted nuts and seeds and 100% natural nut and seed butter contain little sodium.
Milk, yogurt and cheese
Processed cheese slices (cheddar)50g (1 ½ oz) 907
Feta cheese50g (1 ½ oz) 458
Gouda cheese50g (1 ½ oz)410
Cottage cheese, regular125mL (½ cup) 368
Mozzarella cheese50g (1 ½ oz)355
Cheddar cheese50g (1 ½ oz) 322
Buttermilk250mL (1 cup)272
Chocolate milk, 2%250mL (1 cup)174
Milk, 2%250mL (1 cup)121
Yogurt, fruit flavoured175mL (¾ cup) 67
Swiss (Emmental) cheese  50g (1 ½ oz) 35
Cottage cheese, dry curd125mL (½ cup) 20
Broth, chicken250mL (1 cup)869
Broth, beef250mL (1 cup)812
Chicken noodle soup, canned250mL (1 cup)740
Chicken noodle soup, reduced sodium250mL (1 cup)529
Broth, beef, reduced sodium250mL (1 cup)516
Broth, beef, no salt added250mL (1 cup)38
Oils and fats
Salad dressing, Caesar15mL (1 Tbsp)180
Dip, cream cheese based30mL (2 Tbsp)182
Butter, regular15mL (1 Tbsp)93
Salad dressing, low sodium15mL (1 Tbsp)16
Butter, unsalted15mL (1 Tbsp)2
Vegetable oil15mL (1 Tbsp)0
Vinaigrette no salt added, homemade15mL (1 Tbsp)0
Other foods
Salt, table5mL (1 tsp)2373
Soy sauce15mL (1 Tbsp)1244
Salt substitute, with potassium, reduced sodium*5mL (1 tsp)1040
Teriyaki sauce15mL (1 Tbsp)700
Taco seasoning15mL (1 Tbsp)625
Oyster sauce15mL (1 Tbsp)499
Salsa60mL (¼ cup) 463
Soy sauce, reduced sodium15mL (1 Tbsp)425
Hot sauce15mL (1 Tbsp)381
Pretzel, soft1 small pretzel338
Gravy, canned60mL (¼ cup) 331
Teriyaki sauce, reduced sodium15mL (1 Tbsp)325
Cake mix, prepared as directed1/12 cake slice315
Chocolate pudding, instant mix, prepared125mL (½ cup) 275
Capers, canned15mL (1 Tbsp)205
Mustard, yellow15mL (1 Tbsp)174
Worcestershire sauce15mL (1 Tbsp)171
Relish15mL (1 Tbsp)166
Barbecue sauce15mL (1 Tbsp)163
Ketchup15mL (1 Tbsp)138
Chips, plain (potato, tortilla)250mL (1 cup)110
Horseradish15mL (1 Tbsp)64
Popcorn, microwave250mL (1 cup)64
Popcorn, air-popped, plain250mL (1 cup)1
Salt substitute, herb blend, no sodium5 mL (1 tsp)0

Source: Canadian Nutrient File. Accessed July 2019.

*Note: Consult with your health care provider before using a salt substitute with potassium.

Additional resources

For information and advice based on your specific food and nutrition needs and preferences, call 
8-1-1 and ask to speak to a HealthLink BC dietitian.

For additional information, see the following resources:

  • HealthLink BC – Get medically approved non-emergency health information.