Protein is found in many foods and is needed to keep you healthy. Your body uses protein to:
- Provide building blocks for growth and for repairing cells like those in your muscles, skin, and nails.
- Make enzymes and hormones, which carry out key body functions.
Protein is found in peas, beans and lentils, nuts and seeds and their butters, soy products like tofu and soy beverage, meats, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese, and yogurt. Grains, vegetables, and fruit also add small amounts of protein to your diet. Eating protein from a wide variety of food sources will help you meet your needs for nutrients like iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and calcium.
Plan your meals based on Canada’s Food Guide
- Include protein at all your meals.
- Fill ¼ of your plate with protein foods
- Choose plant-based protein foods more often
This resource will help you to check if you get enough protein in your diet.
Steps you can take
1. Find out how much protein you need
Most adults over 19 years of age need about 0.8 grams (g) of protein per kilogram (kg) of body weight. You can use the following equations to calculate your protein needs.