Find a health service near you
The BC Health Service Locator App helps you find walk-in clinics, hospitals, emergency rooms, Urgent and Primary Care Centres, immunization locations, pharmacies and laboratory services near you.
HealthLink BC created this App to help you access health service information from your mobile device. All the information in the App is also on our website.
Find health services, view the latest health alerts in your area, call 8-1-1 and find quick links to emergency contacts using the BC Health Service Locator App.
Find health services
Find the health service locations closest to you while you're on the go or at home. You can use the keyword search or a city to find a specific service or location.
You can filter your results by the service you are looking for and whether it is wheelchair accessible. Each listing includes a location's service description, hours of operation and contact information. You can open directions in Apple Maps or Google Maps.
Latest health alerts
View the latest health alerts posted on HealthLink BC's site from within the App.
Call 8-1-1
Call 8-1-1 to access non-emergency health information and services from anywhere in B.C. or call 7-1-1 for the deaf and hard of hearing.
Is this an emergency?
Quickly access local emergency numbers, including 9-1-1 and poison control contact information.