Healthy eating is important for your child's growth and development. Learn more about helping your child to eat well and develop a healthy attitude towards their body, food and eating.
Thinking about how you’ll feed your baby is an important step in your pregnancy journey. Having trusted information and support from your health care provider can help you feel comfortable with your decision. Use this guide to write down any questions you have and make a plan for getting the answers you need.
Breastfeeding or chestfeeding
Human milk (breast milk) is the only food or drink your baby needs for the first 6 months. Learn about the benefits of breastfeeding or chestfeeding, when to offer your baby human milk and how to know if your baby is getting enough milk:
- Breastfeeding or chestfeeding (HealthLinkBC File #70)
- Baby’s Best Chance
- Infant feeding resources for transgender, two-spirit and non-binary parents (Trans Care BC)
- Breastfeeding Your Preterm Baby (PDF, 2.5MB, Perinatal Services BC)
Formula feeding
Parents may give their baby infant formula for a variety of reasons. Find information on how to choose infant formula, what equipment you need to prepare it and how to store it safely:
- Formula feeding your baby: Getting started (HealthLinkBC File #69a)
- Formula feeding your baby: Safely preparing and storing formula (HealthLinkBC File #69b)
- Infant Formula: What You Need to Know (PDF, 11.6MB, Perinatal Services BC)
Feeding your baby during emergencies
Infants are at risk of illness and infection during emergencies. Be prepared with a plan to feed your baby safely in the event you lose power, access to clean water, or need to leave your home.
Starting solid foods
At about 6 months of age, your baby needs more nutrients and is ready to start trying solid foods. Find out what foods to introduce first, and how to prepare and offer them:
- Baby's first foods (HealthLinkBC File #69c)
- Feeding your baby: Sample meals for babies 6-12 months old (HealthLinkBC File #69h)
- Iron-rich foods for babies and toddlers (HealthLinkBC File #69i)
- Vegan feeding guidelines for babies and toddlers (HealthLinkBC File #69j)
- Vegetarian feeding guidelines for babies and toddlers (HealthLinkBC File #69k)
Food allergy
Food allergy happens when the body's immune system treats a protein in a food as harmful. Read about food allergies, including how to reduce the risk:
Toddlers and preschoolers
You play an important role in helping your child learn new food skills and building healthy eating habits. Learn more:
- Helping your 1 to 3 year old child eat well (HealthLinkBC File #69d)
- Meal and snack ideas for your 1 to 3 year old child (HealthLinkBC File #69e)
- Your toddler: Nutritious meals for picky eaters
Food safety
Younger children are at a higher risk of foodborne illness and choking. To reduce the risk, foods should be prepared in a safe way and certain foods should be limited or avoided:
- Safe Food Handling for Children Ages 5 and Under (PDF, 511KB, Government of Canada)
- Preventing choking in babies and young children: For child care providers (HealthLink BC File #110b)
Children and youth
Healthy eating is about more than what your child eats. It’s also about where, when, why and how they eat. Whether your child is at home, at school or on the go, you have a role in supporting healthy eating. Learn about nutritious food choices, the benefits of eating together and how to involve your child in meal preparation:
- Healthy eating for children
- Lunches to go
- The benefits of eating together for children and families
- Involve kids in planning and preparing meals (Government of Canada)
- Vegan diet
- Vegetarian diets
- Healthy eating for teens (Government of Canada)
Sugary drinks and other beverages
Find out how you can help your child replace sugary drinks with healthier options:
- Make water your drink of choice (Government of Canada)
- Sugary drinks (Government of Canada)
- Sugary drinks and your teen (Government of Canada)
- Caffeinated energy drinks (HealthlinkBC File #109)
- Energy and sports drinks
Growth and development
Your child will grow and gain skills at their own pace as healthy growth is different for every child. Find out more about growth and development:
- Growth and development, ages 1 to 12 months
- Growth and development, ages 12 to 24 months
- Growth and development, ages 2 to 5 years
- Growth and development, ages 6 to 10 years
- Growth and development, ages 11 to 14 years
- Growth and development, ages 15 to 18 years
As a parent, you can promote healthy growth by following the Division of Responsibility (DOR) when feeding your child. This involves trusting that your child will eat what they need to grow in a way that’s right for them. You can also support your child to have a healthy attitude towards their body, food and eating through what you say and do. Learn more:
- Body image and self-esteem: A guide for parents, caregivers, & youth (Embody)
- Ellyn Satter’s division of responsibility in feeding (Appetite to Play)
- Raising kids with a healthy body image: A guide for parents and caregivers of young children (Embody)
- Should You Talk to Your Kids about Weight (PDF, 2.79MB, Rudd Center, USA)
Weight-related conditions and concerns
Disordered eating and eating disorders
Some children find themselves struggling with unhealthy thoughts and behaviours towards food, weight, body size and shape. If you’re concerned that your child is experiencing disordered eating, speak to your health care provider. Getting support early may help to prevent an eating disorder from developing. Learn about eating disorders and where to find help:
Weight is not simply a result of what your child eats or how active they are. Genetics, health conditions, stress, sleep quality and other factors can also influence weight. Eating well and being active can benefit your child’s health regardless of their weight.
Speak with your health care provider if you’re concerned about your child’s health or wellbeing. If you have questions about or would like support with eating or physical activity, call 8-1-1 to speak with a registered dietitian or qualified exercise professional. Learn more about healthy eating and activity programs for children and youth in B.C.:
Weight bias and stigma
Many children face weight bias and stigma in the form of weight bullying or teasing. This can have a negative impact on their psychological, social and physical health. You can support your child by learning about weight bias. The University of Connecticut Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health offers resources for kids, teens and their caregivers:
Useful resources
Parent handbook on pregnancy and baby care up to 6 months. Covers many topics including nutrition.
Parent handbook on children aged 6 to 36 months. Covers many topics including healthy eating.
Supports early years providers, parents and caregivers to promote and encourage physical activity and healthy eating.
A resource for health care providers that includes nutrition and feeding guidelines from birth to 6 years of age.