Babies' teeth usually start coming in around six months of age. Baby teeth are very important and your baby needs your help taking care of them.
Babies and children need their teeth for eating and speaking well, to help adult teeth grow straight and strong and for smiling! Start oral care before baby teeth appear. Use a clean, soft cloth to wipe gums and mouth twice each day from birth.
Once the first tooth appears, brush morning and at night with a soft baby toothbrush and a grain of rice-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Brush where the teeth and gums meet, the top of teeth, the sides, and the tongue. If teeth touch each other, use floss. Make tooth brushing fun and a part of your child’s daily routine. Watch a video about brushing your baby's teeth.
When your child is three years of age, increase the amount of fluoride toothpaste to a small pea-sized amount. Brush for your child when he is very young, and brush with them when they are older.
Healthy food helps build strong teeth, avoid sugary drinks, high sugar or sticky foods, and offer water in a lidless cup between meals. Supervise your baby or toddler when they eat or drink and avoid giving any food, drink or bottles in bed.