It’s normal to feel some stress during pregnancy - it’s an exciting time.
But too much stress can be unhealthy for you and your baby.
To help keep your stress levels manageable:
- talk with a professional or someone you trust
- learn to say ‘no’ to extra responsibilities
- make time for yourself every day
- be physically active every day
- get enough sleep and eat healthy foods
- practice relaxation breathing
- plan ahead, including maternity leave
- prepare your other children for the new baby
- arrange for help in your home once the baby is born
- go to prenatal classes to learn about pregnancy, birth, and parenting
Partners, friends and family members can help, too. Here are some tips for support people:
- Listen to the expectant mom’s concerns and try to understand - even if you don’t have a solution to the problem.
- Ask what you can do to help.
- Talk about your own worries and concerns.
- Discuss potentially stressful issues, like the management of finances, to help get them out in the open.
- Join a prenatal class together to learn about becoming parents.
- Create your birth plan together.
- Talk about maternity and paternity leaves.
- Laugh together
When trying to manage stress ask yourself:
- What are my top two de-stressing activities?
- How can I fit those two (or more) activities into my life?
Talk it out
If you have a sudden crisis, such as the death of a loved one, loss of a job, or move to a new home, talk with someone you trust. This could be a friend, your partner, or someone from your personal support team. For advice about seeking professional help, talk to your health care provider or a public health nurse, or call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1.