Toddlers' physical development from 24-30 months

Toddlers' physical development from 24-30 months

Last updated

Your 24 to 30 month old toddler is constantly moving, often with precision and determination - running, jumping, dancing and hopping. This is a fun, interactive and formative period.

Physical milestones

Here are some of the physical milestones you can expect your toddler to reach at this age:

  • Walk backwards and sideways
  • Walk upstairs and downstairs alone, placing both feet on one step
  • Run without falling
  • Jump in place, lifting both feet off the floor
  • Climb on a riding toy and make it move using both feet at the same time
  • Scribble, holding a crayon in his whole hand
  • Copy drawing up and down and side to side and horizontal lines
  • Build a tower of five or more blocks
  • String beads, picking them up with her thumb and index finger
  • Remove lids by turning wrist

Play and activity

Many toddlers love music and dancing - it's a wonderful way to spend time together and support your toddler's physical development! Here are some other things you can do to nurture physical development in your toddler:

  • Continue to breastfeed or chestfeed
  • Spend lots of time playing outdoors in safe places, like toddler playgrounds. Try running and kicking balls
  • Encourage your toddler to try new movements, such as jumping, rolling, stretching, marching, and walking
  • Set up some plastic bottles for bowling pins so your toddler can knock them down with a ball
  • Play simple movement games where your toddler can stop and go, change directions, and move quickly or slowly
  • Sing songs like If You’re Happy and You Know It, name body parts and do different actions
  • Praise your toddler's drawing efforts and describe the markings you see
  • Encourage your toddler to practice dressing skills. Only help with buttons and zippers when your toddler needs assistance
  • Make playdough with your toddler and create different shapes together
  • Supply your toddler with costumes for pretend play, including hats, shoes, coats, and pants
  • Offer art materials, such as markers, crayons, finger paints, paints and an easel
  • Offer ride on toys and push pull toys
  • Provide puzzles of different sizes and colours with differnet numbers of pieces
  • Invite your toddler to help with simple cooking jobs, such as adding vegetables to a salad or stirring with a spoon

Other physical milestones

Between 24 and 30 months your toddler may also:

  • Walk on a narrow balance beam
  • Walk upstairs and downstairs using one foot and then the other, holding the handrail
  • Run without bumping into things
  • Jump forward
  • Pedal a simple tricycle
  • Begin to use the thumb and fingertips when holding a crayon
  • Copy drawing a cross or a circle
  • Fold paper
  • Use small safety scissors to snip paper
  • Remove unbuttoned clothes and zip up zippers
  • Begin to show an interest in using the toilet