Your 24 to 30 month old toddler is constantly moving, often with precision and determination - running, jumping, dancing and hopping. This is a fun, interactive and formative period.
Here are some of the physical milestones you can expect your toddler to reach at this age:
Walk backwards and sideways
Walk upstairs and downstairs alone, placing both feet on one step
Run without falling
Jump in place, lifting both feet off the floor
Climb on a riding toy and make it move using both feet at the same time
Scribble, holding a crayon in his whole hand
Copy drawing up and down and side to side and horizontal lines
Build a tower of five or more blocks
String beads, picking them up with her thumb and index finger
Remove lids by turning wrist
Play and activity
Many toddlers love music and dancing - it's a wonderful way to spend time together and support your toddler's physical development! Here are some other things you can do to nurture physical development in your toddler:
Continue to breastfeed or chestfeed
Spend lots of time playing outdoors in safe places, like toddler playgrounds. Try running and kicking balls
Encourage your toddler to try new movements, such as jumping, rolling, stretching, marching, and walking
Set up some plastic bottles for bowling pins so your toddler can knock them down with a ball
Play simple movement games where your toddler can stop and go, change directions, and move quickly or slowly
Sing songs like If You’re Happy and You Know It, name body parts and do different actions
Praise your toddler's drawing efforts and describe the markings you see
Encourage your toddler to practice dressing skills. Only help with buttons and zippers when your toddler needs assistance
Make playdough with your toddler and create different shapes together
Supply your toddler with costumes for pretend play, including hats, shoes, coats, and pants
Offer art materials, such as markers, crayons, finger paints, paints and an easel
Offer ride on toys and push pull toys
Provide puzzles of different sizes and colours with differnet numbers of pieces
Invite your toddler to help with simple cooking jobs, such as adding vegetables to a salad or stirring with a spoon
Other physical milestones
Between 24 and 30 months your toddler may also:
Walk on a narrow balance beam
Walk upstairs and downstairs using one foot and then the other, holding the handrail
Run without bumping into things
Jump forward
Pedal a simple tricycle
Begin to use the thumb and fingertips when holding a crayon
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