Between 30 and 36 months, your toddler is becoming a big kid, with physical skills that amaze you every day. At this age, children are always on the move and love doing things like turning handles and doorknobs or pedaling a tricycle.
Takes part in group activities that include running, galloping, crawling, rolling over, and twirling around
Walks on a narrow beam, putting one foot in front of the other for a few steps
Climbs the ladder of a slide or other play equipment
Holds a pencil as if to print
Copies drawings of a cross, circles, dots, small lines, and swirls
Cuts paper with small safety scissors. However, your toddler may not be able to cut along a line
Turns pages of a book one at a time
Play and activity
Praise your toddler's skill at dancing, climbing and other activities. These are huge accomplishments and each one should be celebrated - just make sure your child is being safe. Here are some more tips for supporting your toddler’s physical development:
Continue to breastfeed or chestfeed
Set up a big target for your toddler to aim at when throwing or kicking a ball
Be physically active with your toddler by doing things like playing tag or rolling down a hill
Play music and provide colourful scarves to move and dance with
Show your toddler movements like galloping and twirling by playing “follow the leader.”
Show your toddler pictures of different animals and ask him to move like them: “Show me how you move like a fish!”
Create a simple obstacle course with blocks and hoops
Let your toddler turn the pages of the book while you are reading
Provide writing and art supplies, such as pencils, markers, crayons, or chalk. Supervise the activity and only give a few supplies at a time
Help your toddler cut out small pieces of paper to use as tickets for a puppet show
Provide different kinds of dress up clothes with snaps, buttons, and zippers
Talk about safety rules and explain how to use playground equipment carefully
Other physical milestones
Between 30 and 36 months your toddler may also:
Walk forward and backward on a narrow beam
Ride a tricycle, steering well and using the pedals
Kick a ball so it sometimes goes where he wants
Throw a ball overhand with fairly good aim
Take part in circle games with many players, such as musical chairs, hokey pokey, or The Farmer in the Dell
Scribble with pencils, crayons, and markers
Draw squiggles and claim it’s her name
Join in songs and finger plays
Play with different manipulative toys (toys that your toddler can hold and move), such as connecting straws, snap blocks, or folding paper
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