Fitness and Exercise

British Columbia Specific Information

Being physically active can benefit your physical and mental health in many ways. For example, it can strengthen your muscles and bones, lower your risk of chronic conditions and improve your mood and sleep. Physical activity can be safe for almost everyone. If you have questions or concerns about becoming more active, speak with your health care provider or a qualified exercise professional.  

For information on the role of physical activity on overall health and taking steps to change your physical activity level, visit General health and Helping you make it happen on our website. If you would like guidance on physical activity or sedentary behaviour, call our qualified exercise professionals by dialing 8-1-1 and asking to speak with Physical Activity Services between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Pacific Time Monday to Friday. You can also leave a message outside of these hours and email a qualified exercise professional

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Learn about fitness and exercise

Photo of a woman doing aerobic exercise in a swimming pool

Physical activity is not just for jocks. It's for everyone. Being active can help you stay healthy, control your weight, and get the most out of life. No matter what your age or condition, there is a type of exercise that's right for you.