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Learn about healthy eating

Most people have heard that healthy eating is important. But it can be hard to know what healthy eating means. Our topics can teach you how to eat well, whether your goal is to feel good, manage your weight, or prevent health problems. You will also find plenty of information about nutrition for health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, food allergies, digestive problems, and eating disorders.
To learn more, browse our Healthy Eating topics or start with these:
- Added Sugars
- Alzheimer's and Other Dementias: Maintaining Good Nutrition
- Anorexia: Learning New Eating Behaviours
- Anorexia: Learning to Trust Others
- Antioxidants
- Avoiding Emotional Eating: Making a Plan
- Avoiding Mercury in Fish
- Binge Eating Disorder
- Boosting Your Metabolism
- Breaking the Cycle of Emotional Eating
- Breastfeeding: Exercise and Weight Loss
- Bulimia Nervosa
- Carbohydrate Foods
- Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, and Blood Sugar
- Caregiving: Helping Someone With Eating
- Cholesterol and Triglycerides: Eating Fish and Fish Oil
- Cholesterol Treatment Guidelines
- Choosing a Vitamin and Mineral Supplement
- Choosing a Weight-Loss Program
- Committing Again to Healthy Eating
- Comparing Sugar Substitutes
- Counting Carbohydrate Grams or Servings
- DASH Diet Sample Menu
- Dawn's Story: From Dieting to Healthy Eating Habits
- Developing a Plan for Healthy Eating
- Diabetes in Children: Food Issues at School
- Diabetes: Counting Carbs
- Diet and Gout
- Dietary Reference Intake
- Drinking Enough Water
- Eating Disorders: Cultural and Social Factors
- Eating Disorders: Feeling Better About Yourself
- Eating Disorders: Malnutrition Tests
- Eating Disorders: Things That Put a Person at Risk
- Eating Journal
- Eating Out When You Have Diabetes
- Eating Protein
- Eating Right When You Have More Than One Health Problem
- Eating Well During Cancer Treatment
- Emotional Eating
- Energy and Sports Drinks
- Fasting
- Fat Replacers in Food
- Feeding Your Child Using Division of Responsibility
- Feeding Your Infant
- Folate Deficiency Anemia
- Following a Low-Fibre Diet
- Food List for Diabetes
- Form for Carbohydrate Counting
- Getting Enough Calcium and Vitamin D
- Getting Enough Fibre
- Getting Enough Folic Acid (Folate)
- Getting Enough Iron
- Getting Enough Potassium
- Glycemic Index
- Health Claims on Food Labels
- Healthy Attitudes Toward Food and Exercise
- Healthy Diet Guidelines for a Healthy Heart
- Healthy Eating
- Healthy Eating and Older Adults
- Healthy Eating Basics: Building Healthy Meals
- Healthy Eating Basics: Cooking
- Healthy Eating for Canadians
- Healthy Eating for Children
- Healthy Eating in Children: Problems Caused by Poor Nutrition
- Healthy Eating in Children: Things That Influence Food Choices
- Healthy Eating to Decrease Stress
- Healthy Habits for Kids
- Heart Failure: Eating a Healthy Diet
- Heart Failure: Track Your Weight, Food, and Sodium
- Heart-Healthy Eating
- Heart-Healthy Eating: Fish and Fish Oil
- Heart-Healthy Lifestyle
- Helping Your Child Who Is Overweight
- Hidden Gluten
- High Blood Pressure: Nutrition Tips
- High Cholesterol: How a Dietitian Can Help
- High-Potassium Foods
- High-Protein Foods for Wound Healing
- How to Eat Healthy When You're Home All The Time
- How to Find Sodium
- Hunger, Fullness, and Appetite Signals
- Iron Deficiency Anemia
- Izzy's Story: Living With the DASH Diet
- Jaci's Story: Changing Her Life With Small Steps
- Jeremy's Story: Focusing on Eating Habits
- Joe's Story: Changing My Lifestyle
- Keeping Change Going—Your New Normal
- Loralie's Story: It's Never Too Late
- Low-Potassium Foods
- Maggie Morris: Plan Ahead When You Eat Out
- Maggie: Making Room for Worth-It Foods
- Maggie's Story: Making Changes for Her Health
- Maggie's Strategies for Eating Healthy
- Major Nutrients in Food
- Making a Change That Matters
- Making a Plan to Cut Back on Alcohol Use
- Making Your Change Happen
- Meal Planning
- Mediterranean Diet
- Minerals: Their Functions and Sources
- Modify Recipes for a Heart-Healthy Diet
- Natural Health Products (Herbal Medicines and Natural Products)
- Non-Milk Sources of Calcium
- Not Ready for Change?
- Nutrition and Physical Activity
- Nutrition During Pregnancy
- Obesity
- Organic Foods
- Parkinson's Disease and Nutrition
- Pregnancy: Healthy Weight Gain
- Pregnancy: Vegetarian Diet
- Quick Tips: Adding Fruits and Vegetables to Your Diet
- Quick Tips: Avoiding Empty Calories
- Quick Tips: Cutting Calories
- Quick Tips: Having Enough Energy to Stay Active
- Quick Tips: Healthy Eating on a Budget
- Quick Tips: Making Fast, Healthy Meals
- Quick Tips: Making Healthy Snacks
- Reading Food Labels When You Have Diabetes
- Rethinking Drinking: Alcohol and Managing Your Weight
- Salt Substitute Recipe
- Setting Goals
- Snack Ideas for Preschoolers
- Staying With Your Eating Plan When Your Schedule Shifts
- Sugar Alcohols
- Thinking About a Change?
- Tips for Avoiding Unplanned Snacking
- Tips for Easier Healthy Eating
- Tips for Maintaining Weight Loss
- Tips for Quick and Healthy Dinners
- Types of Fats
- Vegan Diet
- Vegetarian Diets
- Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia
- Vitamins: Their Functions and Sources
- Ways to Track Your Weight-Loss Efforts
- Weight Loss by Limiting Calories
- Weight Management
- Your Toddler: Nutritious Meals for Picky Eaters
- Bowel Disease: Changing Your Diet
- Celiac Disease: Eating a Gluten-Free Diet
- COPD: Keeping Your Diet Healthy
- Diabetes in Children: Counting Carbs
- Diabetes: Counting Carbs if You Don't Use Insulin
- Diabetes: Counting Carbs if You Use Insulin
- Diabetes: Using Canada's Food Guide
- Gestational Diabetes: Counting Carbs
- Gout: Changing Your Diet
- Healthy Eating: Changing Your Eating Habits
- Healthy Eating: Cutting Unhealthy Fats From Your Diet
- Healthy Eating: Eating Heart-Healthy Foods
- Healthy Eating: Eating Less Sodium
- Healthy Eating: Getting Support When Changing Your Eating Habits
- Healthy Eating: Helping Your Child Learn Healthy Eating Habits
- Healthy Eating: Making Healthy Choices When You Eat Out
- Healthy Eating: Making Healthy Choices When You Shop
- Healthy Eating: Overcoming Barriers to Change
- Healthy Eating: Recognizing Your Hunger Signals
- Healthy Eating: Starting a Plan for Change
- Healthy Eating: Staying With Your Plan
- Healthy Eating: Taking Calcium and Vitamin D
- High Blood Pressure: Using the DASH Diet
- High Cholesterol: Making Lifestyle Changes
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Controlling Symptoms With Diet
- Kidney Disease: Changing Your Diet
- Kidney Stones: Preventing Kidney Stones Through Diet
- Low-Salt Diets: Eating Out
- Nutrition While Breastfeeding
Current as of: March 1, 2023
Author: Healthwise Staff
Medical Review:Adam Husney MD - Family Medicine & Martin J. Gabica MD - Family Medicine