Substance Use Problems

British Columbia Specific Information

All opioids, including prescribed medications such as morphine and oxycodone, can be addictive. If you are concerned about your use of opioids, speak with your health care provider. For more information visit HeretoHelp.

Individual, family and small group counselling is available to people of all ages who are directly or indirectly affected by alcohol and other drug use. For more information call the 24-hour BC Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service in the Lower Mainland at 604-660-9382 or toll-free anywhere in B.C. at 1-800-663-1441, or visit our Mental Health and Substance Use web pages. 

To find mental health and substance use support services in your area, search the HealthLinkBC Directory or contact your local health authority.

Learning Center

Learn about substance use disorders

Using drugs or alcohol in a way that harms you or that leads you to harm others, like your family or friends, is called substance use disorder. It can range from mild to severe. Moderate to severe substance use disorder is sometimes called addiction. This disorder can develop from the use of almost any type of substance. This includes alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, illegal drugs, prescription medicines, and over-the-counter medicines. If you think you might have a substance use disorder, our topics can give you the support you need to help you quit. And if you're worried about someone else, you can find tips in our topics for providing support to others.