Pregnancy: Kick Counts


Counting your baby's movements is one way your doctor can tell that your baby is healthy. Most women—especially in a first pregnancy—feel their baby move for the first time between 16 and 22 weeks. The movement may feel like flutters rather than kicks. Your baby may move more at certain times of the day. When you are active, you may notice less movement than when you are resting. At your prenatal visits, your doctor will ask whether the baby is active.

In your last trimester, your doctor may ask you to count the number of times you feel your baby move.

How do you count fetal kicks?

  • A common method of checking your baby's movement is to note the length of time it takes to count six movements (such as kicks, flutters, or rolls).
  • Pick your baby's most active time of day to count. This may be any time from morning to evening.
  • If you don't feel 6 movements in an hour, have something to eat or drink and count for another hour. If you don't feel at least 6 movements in the 2-hour period, call your doctor, midwife, or nurse advice line.


Current as of: November 9, 2022

Author: Healthwise Staff
Medical Review:
Sarah Marshall MD - Family Medicine
Adam Husney MD - Family Medicine
Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine
Kirtly Jones MD - Obstetrics and Gynecology