Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea


Snoring is a major symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. But even though most people who have sleep apnea snore, not all people who snore have sleep apnea.

If you have sleep apnea:

  • How loud and how often you snore changes often.
  • Your snoring disturbs your sleep, such as pauses in breathing or gasping while sleeping.
  • You stop breathing at times, and oxygen levels in your blood go down.

If you snore but don't have sleep apnea:

  • Your snoring is steady.
  • Your snoring doesn't disturb your sleep.
  • You don't stop breathing, and oxygen levels in your blood don't change.


Current as of: November 7, 2022

Author: Healthwise Staff
Medical Review:
Anne C. Poinier MD - Internal Medicine
Adam Husney MD - Family Medicine
Hasmeena Kathuria MD - Pulmonology, Critical Care Medicine, Sleep Medicine