Head movements to perform while standing

Do this exercise twice a day. Try to progress to doing this 15 to 20 times for each head movement. Then try to do this with your eyes closed.

  • Stand with a chair in front of you and a wall behind you. If you begin to fall, you may use them for support.
  • Stand with your feet together and your arms at your side.

Step 1

Head movement exercise up and down
slide 1 of 4
slide 1 of 4, Step 1,

Move your head up and down 10 times.

Step 2

Head movement exercise side to side
slide 2 of 4
slide 2 of 4, Step 2,

Move your head side to side 10 times.

Step 3

Head movement exercise diagonally up and down
slide 3 of 4
slide 3 of 4, Step 3,

Move your head diagonally up and down 10 times.

Step 4

Head movement exercise diagonally up and down
slide 4 of 4
slide 4 of 4, Step 4,

Move your head diagonally up and down 10 times on the other side.

Current as of: March 1, 2023

Author: Healthwise Staff
Medical Review:
Anne C. Poinier MD - Internal Medicine
Brian D. O'Brien MD - Internal Medicine
Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine
E. Gregory Thompson MD - Internal Medicine