Guidelines for Lung Cancer Screening

British Columbia Specific Information

Lung screening involves a scan of your lungs using a low-dose CT (LDCT) machine. The scan is free and takes place at a hospital in your community.

A low-dose CT scan is a safe and effective way to screen for lung cancer and can pick up much more than a chest x-ray can.

Lung screening is best for those who are at high-risk for lung cancer and who are not experiencing any symptoms. This usually includes people who are:

  • 55 to 74 years of age
  • Currently smoking or have smoked in the past
  • Have a smoking history of 20 years or more

If you think you meet these requirements, please call the Lung Screening Program at 1-877-717-5864 to complete a consultation and risk assessment over the phone. Not everyone who meets the above requirements will be eligible for lung screening. A risk assessment over the phone is needed to confirm eligibility.

For more information, visit BC Cancer: Get Screened and BC Cancer: Lung.


Lung cancer screening is a way to find some lung cancers early, before a person has any symptoms of the cancer.

Lung cancer screening may help those who have the highest risk for lung cancer—people 55 to 74 who are or were heavy smokers.footnote 1 For most people, who aren't at increased risk, screening for lung cancer probably isn't helpful.

Screening won't prevent cancer. And it may not find all lung cancers. Lung cancer screening may lower the risk of dying from lung cancer in a small number of people.



  1. Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (2016). Recommendations on screening for lung cancer. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 188(6): 425–432. DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.151421. Accessed December 10, 2019.


Adaptation Date: 9/8/2023

Adapted By: HealthLink BC

Adaptation Reviewed By: HealthLink BC