62 results found
Health topics
… Placenta Previa On this page: What is placenta previa? Placenta previa is a pregnancy problem in which the placenta …
Health topics
… Low-Lying Placenta Versus Placenta Previa On this page: Overview Overview A placenta is normally attached to the upper wall of the …
Health topics
… exact cause of pre-eclampsia. It seems to start because the placenta doesn't grow the usual network of blood vessels … in the uterine wall. This leads to poor blood flow in the placenta. It's not clear what causes this placenta problem and why the mother then develops high blood …
Health topics
… birth canal. The third stage is after the birth, when the placenta is delivered. The fourth stage is the first few … after the baby is born. You have contractions until the placenta is delivered. Stage four. This is the first few … days—from early labour through delivering the baby and the placenta. During labour, contractions in your uterus open …
Health topics
… of pregnancy may mean a problem is present, such as: Placenta previa . Normally, the placenta is attached to the top portion of the uterus. In placenta previa, the placenta has attached low in the …
Health topics
… In the third stage of labour the uterus contracts, and the placenta completes its separation from the wall of the … time you may experience cramps and be asked to push out the placenta. At this stage many mothers feel relief, gratitude … takes an Apgar score to check baby’s overall health. Baby’s placenta separates from the wall of the uterus and is pushed …
Medical tests
… of the baby (fetus), the organ that supports the fetus ( placenta ), and the liquid that surrounds the fetus ( … of the fetus. Look at the size and position of the fetus, placenta, and amniotic fluid. Check the position of the fetus, umbilical cord , and placenta during a procedure such as amniocentesis or …
Health topics
… such as a very fast or slow heart rate. A problem with the placenta or umbilical cord puts the baby at risk. The baby … She also has a slightly higher risk of a problem with the placenta , such as placenta previa . How is a C-section done? Before a …
Health topics
… Placental Abruption On this page: What is placental abruption? Placental abruption is a pregnancy problem in which the …
Medical tests
… Chorionic villi are tiny finger-shaped growths found in the placenta . The chorionic villus cells have the same genetic … The choice may depend on the position of the fetus and the placenta. Through the belly (transabdominal) You will lie on … will be used to help your doctor guide the needle to the placenta. Gel will be rubbed on your belly. An ultrasound …