23 results found
Health features
… symptom of FM is pain that is felt in all parts of your body and lasts for at least three months. Over time, the … becomes more constant, and it can affect more areas of your body. The location of the pain and the severity of the pain … problems Chemical sensitivities or intolerance Your body may not function normally Symptoms and the severity of …
Health features
… in British Columbia can exceed 30°C (86°F), sometimes reaching the mid to high 30’s in some parts of the … to your health. Heat-related illness is the result of your body gaining heat faster than it can cool itself down. … the signs of heat stroke. Heat stroke signs include high body temperature, confusion, dizziness/fainting and flushed …
Health features
… time can help make a busy schedule more manageable and mealtimes more enjoyable. Including a variety of nutritious … stay safe as the temperature drops: Cold Exposure: Ways the Body Loses Heat Cold Temperature Exposure Dry Skin and …
Health features
… immediately. What do you mean by exposure? Blood and body fluids, such as saliva, semen and vaginal fluid, can … other people. If you have contact with a person’s blood or body fluids and you are not using preventative measures, you … you don't. You can have someone else serve it for you. Sometimes distance makes it inconvenient or impossible for you …
Health features
… head injury. It results from a direct blow to the head or body causing the brain to move rapidly inside of the skull. …
Health features
… protect yourself and your family: Cold Exposure: Ways the body loses heat Cold Exposure: What increases your risk of …
Health features
… Symptoms generally include 2 or more of the following body systems: Skin: hives, swelling (face, lips, tongue), …
Health features
… or heart problems should be monitored more closely. Sometimes smoky air can increase the risk of certain infections, … medications such as inhalers should carry them at all times during wildfire season. Walk-in clinics To find a … Heat and air quality Heat and air pollution affect your body in different ways, and some people are susceptible to …
Health features
… Ebola is spread through direct contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected person or animal. Outbreaks have … You can only catch Ebola if you have direct contact with body fluids of an infected animal or person. Direct contact … catch Ebola if you have had direct contact with infected body fluids. These include bloods, sweat, saliva, vomit, …
Health features
… therapy. For more information, read Contact with blood and body fluids: Protecting against infection ( HealthLinkBC … Blood and bodily fluid precautions Contact with blood or body fluids: Protecting against infection (HealthLinkBC File …